Continued from Thailand – Laos: Day 9 – Part 5 – Funarium. For pre-travel, please refer here.
While we were outside the Funarium, we stepped up to the main road. At that time, we were a bit lost because we didn’t know where to find a motorcycle tuktuk. Guided by instinct, we set foot in a gas station.

As far as I remember, this is the location of the ESSO gas station.
Apparently many were waiting in the petrol station area on the side near where the tires were pumped. Many people lined up, it was like taking a bus. Interestingly, they lined up politely and did not scramble. And we had to line up with a lot of office workers there. However, we did not queue for too long, only about 4-5 minutes because the motorcycle tuktuk service is always plentiful here.
The fare is the same, THB50/person. Then we went back to Phrom Phong BTS station.
At this station, we were attracted to three shopping malls located side by side. After all, the time was still early at 6.20pm and we walked to the first shopping mall.

Here, it is still the Phrom Phong BTS station area. This is an interesting way of advertising. I feel like there really is a dinosaur in this box.

Visible from afar and our destination is The Emporium. Very beautiful decoration of small lamps that were indeed decorated in conjunction with Christmas Day which took place 10 days ago.

Twinkle twinkle little star!

Next to the left of The Emporium is the second shopping mall, The EmQuartier.

Now, we are taking pictures under the ‘star’ lights. If the sky had been completely dark, the lights here would have been more beautiful.

Suddenly Aqif came across a mirror here. It seemed like ‘right on time’ when I took a candid picture looking in the mirror while his face was reflected towards my eyes.

I also remember the song from M. Nasir entitled Di balik Cermin Mimpi (Behind The Dream Mirror). Hope you know yourself son …
Note: If you translate to Malay, ignore the second line for each lyric below.
Di balik cermin mimpi
Behind the dream mirror
Aku melihat engkau
I see you
Di dalam engkau
Inside you
Aku melihat aku
I saw me
Ternyata kita adalah sama
It turns out we are the same
Di arena mimpi yang penuh bermakna
In the arena of meaningful dreams
Bila bulan bersatu dengan mentari
When the moon is united with the sun
Bayang-bayang ku hilang
My shadows are gone
Di selebungi kerdip nurani
In a flash of conscience
Mencurah kasih, kasih murni
Pouring out love, pure love
Mencurah kasih
Pouring out love
Di balik cermin, cermin mimpi
Behind the mirror, the dream mirror
Adalah realiti yang tidak kita sedari
It is a reality we are not aware of
Hanya keyakinan dapat merestui..
Only faith can bless…
‘Twinkle twinkle ‘ again as we turned our backs on the entrance to The Emporium.

The front of the entrance of the third shopping mall, The Helix Quartier.

To the knowledge of the reader, all three of these malls, we did not get into due to slight fatigue. One more thing, nothing is interesting to buy here. We prefer to buy at the night market that we will hit shortly.

The advertising board here is similar to that at Piccadilly Circus, London.

Tatie and Aqif posed near a giant Christmas tree as a memento.

Pictured at the entrance of The EmQuartier before going back to our hostel.

At 6.30pm we started walking towards Phrom Phong BTS station again. Apparently, we are only 10 minutes here despite taking pictures in front of three malls.

Our last blog post for this 9th day on Thai soil was to Khao San Road and exploring the Suzie Walk.
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