Last Thursday morning, November 7, 2019, I received a DM through Instagram from a representative of the broadcasting department at TV Al-Hijrah. Since my IG currently has no travel agenda, I set it to private mode, so all DMs go to the “Message Request” folder.
As a result, I only noticed this morning “1 Message Request” on IG.
After reading, I realized I had missed November 10 (Sunday at 7 AM).

The TV Al-Hijrah representative invited us for a casual chat in the live Teh Tarik segment, airing at 7 am, with the title “Should children go on vacation?”. Several panelists were to join, including us if we attended.
Even though we couldn’t attend because I read the DM late, luckily, one of my IG friends, Zyzool and Mira, also received the same invitation and attended. I wasn’t surprised they attended because they are also dedicated family travelers like us. I got to know Zyzool and Mira because we share the same ‘Family Backpackers/Travelers’ interest. Readers can visit their travel blog here: https://zyzoolmiratravel.com
Some might ask how the discussion went. Thankfully, Zyzool and Mira uploaded it to YouTube. Thanks to them.
It doesn’t matter who attends; what’s important is the message conveyed and encouraging parents with children to travel together. One of the panelists, a Clinical Psychologist, also supported this and highly emphasized bonding with children. He said it doesn’t matter what the activity is, as long as there is a bonding. So, we chose one way, traveling with family as a bonding to be closer to children and spouses.
Anyway, Zyzool and Mira, you did your best to campaign for all Malaysians, and your answers were straight to the point. Brilliant!
Actually, my wife and I have no plans to expand to the level of broadcasting media. We discussed this before. One of the reasons is that we both have daily businesses to focus on unless we plan to enter the tourism business. As for Zatie Wanderer’s blog and its stories, it is a hobby. Just to share information with netizens and also act as a backup story to be read by our children when they grow up. Basically, from the hobby of traveling combined with my interest in writing, this blog was created. Never expected to get media attention.
To the readers of Zatie Wanderer’s blog, thank you for following this blog since 2011. From the blog name Kembaratravelog to DuniaBulat.com and finally Zatie Wanderer.
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